DaemonRiRi and the Magician

Greetings, I’m DaemonRirI (a.k.a RIRI)

I’m Filipino American born & based in the USA and raised in the Philippines. I grew up Catholic then later my spirituality shifted towards an occult approach in May 2019. Ever since then, I consider myself an Omnist Magick Practitioner whose current foundational practices are Hermetic in nature which includes Theurgy (High Magick) and Ceremonial Magick. When it comes to divination and giving advice, I prefer Intuitive Cartomancy readings mainly using Tarot or Oracle cards. My other spiritual interests lie in bibliomancy, dream interpretation, and understanding personal life experiences. I believe through understanding my own experiences in life and being able to learn to influence myself that I am able to effectively help others by example.

I also enjoy streaming on Twitch, playing PC video games by myself or with good friends, and making spiritual content.

“You could have been anywhere in the Universe, but you ended up here. And for that, I thank you for this blessing! I hope and pray that you learn something new and valuable while you’re here. Overall, I hope you enjoy your stay.” - DaemonRiRi

My Approach


My typical approach is to analyze present circumstances, past influences, and future possibilities in that order. Our present situations can be pretty easily overlooked due to being stuck in the past or future seeking. By understanding our present reality, our past can be used as a tool to release old patterns and make new ones to shape our future in the now.


Goal Setting

I help identify what does not serve you any more good, guide you in understanding your current situations, and ultimately take steps into making a change that you will be most proud of. I encourage the individual in making decisions that are true to their own choices and to reveal to them that they have the power to make a difference. Everyone is capable of achieving greatness, you just have to learn what confidence means to you and how to become that which you desire for yourself.

Practice to Manifest

Every service I offer will have suggested practical advice that encourages you to take action in order to really set things in motion. Though optional, it is mainly to give you ideas on how to approach life in a way you are able to activate your personal magick and sovereignty. Overall, the practices I advise are simple enough to stimulate an energetic shift in alignment with your Greatest and Highest Good.

Energy Work

Reiki 1 Certification

The majority of my practice in spirituality is Energy Work. My routine practice consist of Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP) and Ceremonial Magick. I am familiar with spirit guide interaction through invocation and evocation. I also do devotional worship to Source (Ein-Sof; etc.), The Morrigan, Lilith, Ganesha, Aphrodite (Areia), Hecate, and Apollo.



Meditation through visualization is a significant part of my life and my magick practices. Visualization is involved in everything spiritual I do. It helps me manifest my desires for spiritual growth through being in the moment of my present reality. It is such a powerful way to feel and envision energy through me and my environment.

Sigils & Talismans

My Spellwork consists of creating Sigils and turning them into Talismans. I also implement specific Tarot Decks for Talismanic work. This comes in super handy during my Moon Rituals. I absolutely enjoy creating sigils and talismans for protection, banishing, and amplification. Amplification is my specialty which focuses on boosting the power of a spell’s effects, spiritual growth, and overall pursuits of living one’s personal truth.

Spiritual Studies

Tarot Certification

It all began when I couldn’t stop hearing Archangel Michael’s name in repetition clear as day in my mind. I truly believe this entity led me to the discovery and the study of Hermeticism. Further down the path of Magick, I met an incredible Eclectic Pagan Healing Witch who became a great influence on my devotional practices to Divinity and the Gods.


22 Teachings

I attended the School of Hermetic Science and Magical Arts in Los Angeles, May 2019. Where I studied the Rider-Waite Smith deck’s origin and symbolism. I’ve taken and finished courses on Arcana and Magical Fundamentals. I have continued to go to this school to improve my studies in Hermetic approaches to Magick. Overall, this school has been a huge part of my spiritual growth and I am forever grateful to the wonderful staff. I highly recommend attending at least one course. You won’t regret it!


This is a woman I highly respect and consider an amazing mentor. I have taken classes and courses with her about Spell Work and Rune casting/reading. Her devotion to The Morrigan has touched my very soul which led me to learn and discover my own personal devotional practices to the Gods. I’m super grateful to have met a tremendously honest teacher who isn’t afraid to be herself. She has also taught me what it truly means to do Shadow Work. They are an individual I highly recommend taking 1:1 mentorship from when the opportunity arises.